Nowadays acronyms are common in almost every sector. Therefore it´s not surprising that some abbreviations also appear in the social media jungle. But now worries I´ll try to explain the most popular acronyms to you.
So let´s start:
- API = Application programing interface
- B2B = Business to business
- B2C = Business to customer
- CMGR = Community manager
- CPC = Cost per click
- CTA = Call to action
- CTR = Click-Through rate
- CX = Customer experience
- WOM = Word of mouth
- UX = User experience
- UV = Unique visitor
- UGC = User generated content
- TOS = Terms of service
- SOV = Share of voice
- SMP = Social media platform
- FB = Facebook
- IG = Instagram
- GA = Google Analytics
- GTM = Google Tag Manager
- DM = Direct message
- PM = Private message
- SMB = Small business
- SMM = Social media marketing
- SMO = Social media optimization
- SM = Social media
- SERP = Search engine results pages
- SEO = Search engine optimization
- SEM = Search engine marketing
- SaaS = Software as a Service
- RTD = Real-time data
- RT = Retweet
- RSS = Really Simple Syndication
- FTW = For the win
- ISP = Internet service provider
- PSP = Payment service provider
- KPI = Key performance indicator
- LI = LinkedIn
- P2P = Person to person
- PV = Pageviews
- ROI = Return on investment
- ROAS = Return on ad spend
- PPC = Pay per click
- ESP = Email service provider
- TW = Twitter
- YT = YouTube
- G+ = Google+
- MT = Modified tweet
- SRP = Social relationship platform
- CMS = Content management system
- CRO = Conversion rate optimization
- CBO = Campaign budget optimization
Please feel free to add any missing acronyms within the comments below.